Complete Furniture, TV, and Electronic Solutions
Award winning furniture • Turnkey audio/video solutions • Expert installation
Authorized for all major brands • Competitive pricing
At Diamond Case Designs, Inc. we have the unique distinction of being experts in both furniture and electronics. We are very qualified to assist you with your media furnitutre as well as your audio/visual needs. We represent all major brands of electronics and tailor our recommendations to fit your needs and budget. Our prices are competitive and we have years of experience in working with and recommending high performance systems that are easy to use.
Below you can see some photographs from several of our installations. For more information and customized recommendations please call Steve or Dave Hartfelder at 714-630-8100. We look forward to assisting you.
Diamond Case Home Theater and Audio/Video Installation Examples:

Competitive Prices, Customized Solutions, Expert Installation

Each Diamond Case installation is designed and managed by brothers Steve or Dave Hartfelder. We pride ourselves on providing competitively priced solutions that are customized to meet your needs. We have been providing easy-to-use premium solutions for over thirty years.
We have forged relationships with the best brands in the industry allowing us to tailor our recommendations to provide the best options, performance, and features available. Please call us at 714-630-8100 to see how we can assist you.
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Advanced Home Theater Furniture With Specialized Feautres
The functionality of our entertainment furniture is an excellent reflection of Diamond Case Designs, Inc. award winning background and professional design. Each home theater furniture system is packed with a host of features that make set-up, access, and organization a breeze.
Wall units ride on our exclusive hidden wheel system. These unique poly-eurathane wheels are concealed out-of-sight behind the base moldings yet allow the furniture to easily be rolled away from the wall. The removable back panel can quickly be unscrewed and set aside providing full access to load and wire your electronics. Your home theater components will be installed efficiently and accurately as you work from behind where you can clearly see and make your connections.
Ventilation is improved via an internal air chimeny that is created by providing sufficient space behind the component shelves. This void space facilitates air movement by allowing warm air to rise and escape the furniture. The air chimney is also ideal for cable management as wires can be routed from shelf to shelf or section to section without having to be threaded in and out of holes in the back panel. Because the cables can be freely managed internally, shorter lengths can be used and any excess cable can be neatly organized.
Additional performance features include height-adjustable shelves, high-capacity media storage drawers, special acoustically transparent speaker cloth, and a personalized nameplate.
Each custom system can be further customized with optional features that include thermostatically controlled whisper fans, built-in surge supressors, and remote controlled LED lighting.

More Information / Pricing / Free Estimates
For more information and customized recommendations please call Steve or Dave Hartfelder at 714-630-8100 or 800-616-5354.
We are also available via e-mail at sales@diamondcase.com.